Friday, June 29, 2007

Wisdom of a Child

I am writing this post from a library in Decatur Indiana. I arrived here early this afternoon after spending the night with another set of my parents college friends in Huntington. The weather is absolutely beautiful and a welcome change given the rains of the past couple days.

I found a coffee house and have been relaxing there for a little over an hour deciding whether to stay here or press on before I lay down for the night.

There is a moment that keeps coming back into my mind and it's a story from two nights ago. In my last post, I mentioned that I was staying at a home with four very vibrant children. Soon after I arrived and was welcomed by this energetic bunch, their 8 year old son was so excited about my journey and God's provision that he went searching for a gift for me. After several minutes he appeared in the living room with a handfull of change. I couldn't imagine a child giving me the contents of his change jar and genuinely said, "You don't need to give me anything, God will provide." To which he replied "maybe God is using me to provide for you." And there I sat, silenced by the wisdom in an eight year old boy. All I could do was hold out my hand and fill my pocket with his precious gift.

I have been amazed at how stubborn my heart is. I, who left with nothing, saw God provide for everything in gifts of food and money. Yet, when the money that I have starts to diminish, I still have this stubborn fear that without money, I can't go on. How can I, who has been so blessed, even begin to doubt. With this in mind, God pressed it on my heart how much he has blessed me and will continue to do so; so I do not need to fear blessing others with the gifts He has given. There is still part of me that is very afraid to give out of the little that I have, but I am praying to meet people who have a very specific need that I can meet.

My promise to God this morning was that I would bless the first person to introduce themselves to me today. That person was the owner of the coffee house who is the self procalaimed sole liberal in this town. After talking with him, I could not tell if he had any specific need that I could meet, but I had made a promise and could not walk away without leaving a sizeable tip.

Often I wonder if there are times when God is simply aksing me to trust, to step out in faith, just to see if I will. Like Abraham who was aksed to sacrifice his only son (but much less dramatic). Without knowing the reason, Abraham obeyed God and would have done the deed had God not stayed his hand. God's question in all of that was, will you trust me? I love what is often said about Abraham in the scriptures, "He believed God and it was credited to him as rightousness."

God has proven Himself and even though I have little, God provides out of the riches of His kingdom and I will not worry.

Is not life more important than food.

Christopher Andrew


Anonymous said...

Chris I am so proud of you. It is amazing to see the Holy Spirit work his plan to guide and protect you on a daily or even hourly basis. Your observations about how as Christians we need to show Christs love to others as part of who we are on an ongoing basis as Gods children sinks deep in my heart and causes me ponder what else could I be doing for the Kingdom. Thank you for bearing your soul in your blog. It is very meaningful to me. I pray ever day that God will provide you a safe place to sleep and some food to eat.I Love you and miss you. DAD

Anonymous said...

Those are good words from a dad.

Harmony said...

Just a note to say that I've been enjoying your blog and that I've been praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,
I love reading your blog...I've been showing it to friends at work:) We think of you often when we are driving long stretches of nowhere and we can almost picture you walking...Thank you for encouraging us and reminding us, despite our comfortable beds and "security" of everyday life, that we do depend on the grace of God.
We love you and miss you!
Merv (for Bruce and Merv)

Christopher Andrew said...

Hey everybody! Thanks for your comments (especially you dad) They are always such an encouragement, and if anybody speaks portugese (jen?) I'd love to know what Rodrigo had to say!

I miss you all!

Unknown said...

Hey Chris,
I'm a young friend of Claire and Mary. I heard you wanted a translation for the Portuguese comment. Sadly, it is a form of Spam. It says that "rodrigo" finds your page pretty interesting, and he likes this post. But then it goes on to ask you to visit his page where he sells personalized T-shirts.
I however did genuinely enjoy your post. Keep up the great work!