Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 3rd 2007, A Brighter Day.

I have no watch or concept of time, but I am fairly certain that I woke up very soon after sunrise, packed up, and went on my way.

I had heard about a town down the road called Freedhem whose only business is a 100 year old general store. Now, especially after finding a mysterious $20 left in my bible, I was looking forward to that stop.

I arrived there shortly before it openned at 9:30 and had a simply surreal moment as I sat outside. The town was quiet, and the building was serenely old. It's only advertisement was a rusted, faded, standard gas sign that seemed to stand for resiliance; not much unlike the old town itself.

When the owner arrived to open up, so did several townsfolk, just to shoot the breeze. I picked out a sandwich and drink for an early lunch, and as I put down my twenty dollars, the owner simply waved it away and asked what else I would like. So naturally, (and this is for Chelsea!) I left with several packs of mini cigars.

Yesterday morning, a friend had stopped on the side of the road to let me know that his home was right on the way. And today that was my goal.

I arrived here right as blisters began to frustrate me, and just in time for a pork steak meal. Tonight I have a bed to sleep in and a reasurring promise of breakfast. God has been and always will be sufficient!

Christopher Andrew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you. You are in our prayers. My parents were heading to Brainerd on Saturday Night and I told them to look for your tent. They went up 25 thoug. Keep us informed as to your location so that we can track you a bit if that's possible. We love you.