Sunday, July 8, 2007

I Love Free Meals

Well folks, a couple days later and a few more miles down the road and I'm in Mansfield Oh; halfway across this lovely state. I am so excited as I start to see the scenery change from the endless miles of corn and more corn to a few rolling hills just hinting at the Appalatians to come.

My new family back in Van Wert brought me down the road to the town of Bluffton Oh, which consists of a truck stop and a, well, another truck stop. I headed down new Highway 30, and finding it to be a very busy 4 lane highway, I realized that it was a very slim chance that anyone would stop for me (realization: the faster we're going the less likely we'll stop.) I had a late start and after nearly 5 days off of my feet, I only made it 7 miles before stopping into a church with loud music blaring.

The youth pastor and his merry band were practicing for their upcoming high school retreat. I asked if he knew of a place that I could stay and after a couple failed concepts, he brought me to his grandfather-in-law's farm.

It was nearly dark already so I simply set up camp and went to sleep.

In the morning, I started out again on Hwy. 30 but this was the old 30. All the traffic from the busy four lane was diverted onto this 2 lane death trap for construction purposes. The 2 foot shoulder was hardly enough of a buffer between me and the thousands of semi trucks that dominated the road. And naturally, no one stopped.

About 14-15 miles later, I found the only business/restaraunt/anything around and I rested over lunch through the heat of the day only to set out again with 13 miles to the next town.

I got a short ride from another kind officer just several miles out of Upper Sandusky and welcomed the back seat of a squad car once again.

Once downtown, within minutes, I was offered a free meal at A.J.'s Heavenly Pizza. The owner made sure that I had my fill then tried to find a place for me to stay. With little luck on that front, I headed to the Library to check a couple things before they shut the doors. And who would have guessed it; those librarians found me a spot for the night.

I camped in the backyard of a retired couple who are helping out a family member and staying in her home because of her health. Normally this very vibrant couple is out on the road in the RV that is their home and has been for many years.

We went out for malts and had great stories to swap and being that conversation is one of my most desired commodoties, I was so very blessed.

I set camp on their lawn and eagerly awaited the breakfast they had offered in the morning.

After breakfast (fabulous pancakes) and a short sit at the coffee house, I was out again and looking for old 30. I followed all the signs and everything seemed to make sense untill I ended up on another 4 lane madhouse. I wasn't about to backtrack so I just kept pressing on down the new 30 again.

I had just read in Matthew where Jesus says to his diciples that if they had the slightest faith and did not doubt, they would receive anything they ask for in prayer. Experiment time: I asked God for a ride, knowing the slim chance on this type of road, then did the best I could not to doubt it. I even made up a song about how my ride was-a-comin. Four minutes later, I was picked up by a kindly woman and her daughter headed to a baby shower here in Mansfield.

Before the night was over, they had brought me to McDonnald's, found me a place to stay, (with the couple having the baby) treated me and the couple to pizza, and rented a movie that we could all watch together.

It's fascinating how normal this is all beginning to feel. It's almost hard for me to remember all the exciting things that God has done because it's beginning to seem common. Now, somehow, I never want to loose the excitement to see God provide, and the joy at it's happenning, but I am rather glad that moments like that have lost the element of surprise. I have come to simply expect God to do exactly what He said He would, and that is to be expected. I know that it will take different shapes every day and sometimes it's later than I would like, but His provision will be there. And even if there is a night where I have to wander the streets till sunrise, I know that He has a plan in it all (though I'm sure that I wouldn't be all that happy about it.)

Response to inquisitive poster:

Someone posted a question (somehow under my own name) asking how I introduce myself to people. Well, most the time it sounds like "Hi, I'm Chris." Very rarely does the conversation end there in light of the huge backpack that is permanently attatched to me. When they ask where I'm headed, I tell them exactly that. For the most part, I have held off mentioning the fact that I left without money, food, or cell phone, unless the topic comes up or they ask for for stories from my trip.
Why would I hold that back? Simply because I don't want to feel like I am manipulating anyone into providing. If I did that, it would be entirely to easy for me to rationalize this entire experience and say that my charm (or lack there of) saved me instead of God.

Right now, I am staying another night here in Mansfield, though I am getting increasingly excited about getting to the Appalation Trail. My qualms about taking rides has fallen by the wayside, and I'm looking forward to getting to the mountains as fast as I can. So I will soon be off again, and headed toward Canton to stay the night with someone that I met while passing through Madison what feels like ages ago.

Thank you all for your prayers and posts. I hope to see everyone soon!

Christopher Andrew.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,
I understand that when we experience something so often that we become desensitized to it, but let it not be so with our God. It is an encouragement to me to virtually follow where you trod. I check your blog two of three times a day, and it is so exciting when I finally see a new post.

Oh and we dropped you off at Beaverdam; Bluffton is north of beaverdam on 75. But, don't worry, nobody will know. ;)

Christopher Andrew said...

Thanks for the correction Josh, I noticed it a little to late. And thanks for the e-mail... I miss you guys!

Christopher Andrew

John said...

Hi Chris. It's cool watching you come to a peace with God, in His provision and receiving from Him. I miss you and am happy for you. My thoughts are on you and am praying for you.

John said...

I had no idea you were going to be walking across our fine country, but that is awesome. I was sad when you left those of us in the OC, but I'm happy to find out that you are going from town to town sharing your warmth and love with thousands of people. You are an amazing man Chris, and I am glad that I had a chance to hang out with you if only for a while. As for me, I'm actually not in the OC any more, I now live in San Francisco. If you ever make it back this way you will always have a couch to crash on, and a free meal waiting for you =)
God Bless you Chris
John Donley

Deanna said...

Love you, Chris! What an incredible journey. I have to admit, as I read your entries, part of me is jealous of this opportunity God's given you. But we're on our own parenthood! Crazy! Baby Jasper's due Feb. 15. Blessings on you as you continue on your way, and I can't wait to hear all about it someday in person :-)

Anonymous said...

Christopher Andrew,
(I love that you sign you name that way)

this is the hawaiian. i got an email from Parath, and decided to try leaving a comment again when all my previous attempts had been thwarted by internet demons.

i love reading your blogs because i can hear your voice in the way your right. i'm so glad to hear from you, even in this "shout into cyber-space" kind of way. i think of you, and pray for you often. (way more often then my non-commenting might suggest) And i hope that is an encouragement as much as your writings of what God is doing in you life are an encouragement to me.

Chelsea and Tim's wedding was beautiful. i can't wait to tell you all about it. you were sorely missed. (is that how you spell sorely, this thing doesn't seem to have a spell check, AHHH)

Take care, dear friend~


Harmony said...

Just another note to say hi! I'm reading and I'm praying for you.
You are almost in my old stomping grounds! Grove City is just across the border of PA, sort of between Pittsburgh and Erie.

Kurzuul said...


I miss you already, man. And you haven't even been gone that long (Though it does seem like a while).

I can't wait for you to come on your return trip!

And, by the way, the kids still pray for you before each meal. Rickie kept making lists of us, "Freddy, Josh, papaw, mommy liz... what that other guys name? Chris..."

Have a safe journey. Seriously. I command you to have a safe journey.

...bye now :P

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
I'm not sure if you'll remember me, but we went to High School together...I found your blog link on Eve Vodden's Facebook page. I had no idea you were doing this. What an incredible, spiritual journey! I loved reading your blog so far and will definitely be in touch everyday to see new postings. You have a gift of words, and how you explain everything in your blog is heartwarming. To see these kind people helping you and others is truly a wonderful story. You are in our prayers, and praying. He will guide your journey!
Smiles and Hugs,
Tessa (Domeier) Hall

sourballpython said...

It was a pleasure meeting you at the doorway of Appalachia (Salem, Ohio). As you go East - the corn fields will thin and the hills will get steeper. Be safe.

My only question is in regards to the faith of the people you meet as you move further into your journey. From what I have ready, there is a lot of positives to learn from. Do you chance discussion with someone that may not feel as strong?

Anonymous said...

my faith is strengthened and my heart is encouraged reading of your journey. Today as I read of God's 4 minute answer to your prayer of faith it brought me to tears of joy! Thank you for sharing the reality of His response. He bends down his ear to listen, and He is so close, true to His promise as always.